Artillery Kai Woolwich Arsenal

Artillery Kai Woolwich Arsenal

Great news! We have joined forces with Diesel Gym. We are now known as Diesel AK

This website is no longer the official website. Please Go to our new website

What is Artillery Kai?

We are a martial art gym that focuses on

  1. Martial arts that are found to be effective in Mixed martial arts such as UFC.
  2. Aims to be a friendly community gym.
  3. Encourage diversity. We would like this gym to benefit anyone from a young fighter wanting to become a professional to a parent with a fulltime job hoping to get back into fitness.

What's our mission

We want to break down the stigma disinhibiting the wider population from accessing the mental and physical benefits of combat sport training.

What do we teach?

Muay Thai
The art of 8 limbs. Considered the most effective striking martial art...Find out more
Learn to submission techniques such as choke holds and joint locks...Find out more
Combine striking, wrestling and submission techniques...Find out more
Gain core strength and flexibility to improve your martial arts...Find out more
Ladies Only
Transform your fitness and find your inner strength with our exclusive ladies-only membership...Find out more
Kids' Muay Thai
Muay Thai for Kids: Building Confidence, Discipline, and Strength...Find out more

How much does it cost?

See Pricing

When do we train?

See Class Timetable

Where do we train?

See Locations

How do I join?

See How to Join

More Questions?

Take a look at the top menu or See our FAQ
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